So what I've noticed in a lot of clubs I've been to, a lot of people ask who the dropper is despite it being in the CA. Well I have a potentially overlooked by many, especially by those that aren't an admin, way to quickly find who dropped, IGNs blocked out for privacy reasons. Step 1: In the party home screen click on the little i in the bottom left corner, it'll bring up the information screen, it shows all the statistics of the party, we'll get into that in step 2. Step 2: Scroll until you find DROPPER (1). The leader board shows the actions of each club member and who dropped during an ec party. The little 1 by their IGN shows how many items they dropped, it could be more than one if its an invite party. You can click on there name and it brings you straight to their profile. Its that easy. The rest of the stuff is pretty self explanatory, log is a breakdown of each persons hit specifically action wise and well party info is just party info.
Idk if you've noticed but the igns can still be seen from the party notification, the smaller texts under the "__ is Partying!" But this is helpful especially to newbies 💕