Hey guys! So I am pretty new to forums but I have a game I want to try if people will play with me Basically we just have to ask and answer questions. Ill ask a question, and then the person below me will answer my question, and ask a question to the person below them, and so on and so forth. Here's an example: Me: Are you a dog? Person 1: Nope I'm a cat. How many Popsicles did you eat today? Person 2: I ate 29 Popsicles. When did you first break your nose? Etc etc. So you're always answering 1 q and asking 1 q. The questions I used for examples were weird, but if we ask more real qs maybe we can get to know each other and all be in love and happy with one another instead of all the meannesssssssssssss! Ill post my first question right below these instructions!
Damn has no one here gotten a first kiss? Damn whatta bunch of losers 13 Um.... Whose better spider-man or batman?