
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by P_I_E, May 7, 2019.

  1. How many days do i get to answer your support team my queries do you have rules like monday to friday or only saturday ??
  2. They respond when they respond. Usually within 24 hours.
  3. It varies really
  4. Weekends are usually slower if at all, normally it’s about 24-30 hours for first response just give it time, if it’s something small like a question then other users may be able to help but just wait, they’ll respond when they can
  5. Alright thanks
  7. They respond normally after changeover. Just be patient
  8. Hello to whom it my concern...
    Can i know what happen to the account name "weedhead"?
    Did he have any violation?
  9. How do we know how much time left for POTD to change?
  10. 3am sgt
    2pm cst
    3pm est
  11. I want to be a support member. I'll no support the fûck outta every ticket