Question to women..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Texasmade, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. What would you do if you got to heaven and there were no men?
  2. Boy just stop
  3. I’d ..... get a girlfriend? bisexuality is a wonderful thing.
  4. No not again pls. Someone stop op
  5. So what's the problem?
  6. Have a clam party??‍♀️
  7. Op makes me embarrassed to be male tbh
  8. Oh, thank god
  9. You make us men look bad. Die die die
  10. LOL says the guy who wants to hire a pretty maid gtfø
  12. Im just tryna help a women make money k
  13. Im just tryna help a women make money while keeping her dignity k
  14. why didnt you just edit your post instead of double posting ....
  15. If you're tryna help women, then help a woman who works hard and is good at what she does, not just on the basis of how pretty they are. Fūckin soyboy headass
  16. ...but with what money? aren't you unemployed? (in your own words)
  17. Dead ass. if you only respect women you’re attracted to, you don’t respect women. period.
  18. Being pretty is just a bonus, never said its a must.

    I don't need a job to make money

    It got posted twice cause idk

    I don't disrespect women I'm not attracted to
  19. I mean I’d be kinda sad that my fiancé isn’t there but uh ladies are just as amazing lmao. I’d take a bunch of women over random men any day