Question on Old Valentine’s Avatar

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GossipGirl, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Valentine’s Avatars From 2019:
    Can I still evolve my avatar I earned? Or is an activator still needed?

    I got the puff avi from forever ago and I never got to evolving it to the next avatar. I still have puffs and I’m wondering if I’m able to evolve it or if there was an activator that I don’t remember about.

    In short: Does evolving my previously acquired avatar require an activator to evolve.

    I really don’t want to collect and then cry over spilled bento if you get my drift.
  2. If you don’t have an activator, you can’t evolve your avi 🤧
  3. Bless you 🥺❤️
  4. For any Avi that requires an activator, you'll need a activator for each stage.
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