Question for BC players???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rehab_lllllTheJuniorlllll, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. Can anyone with 4mil/2mil stats please tell me there build  I'm trying to get that for my main
  2. See Nick guide
  3. Um what are u not supporting?
  4. Or ur Rehab member
  5. 29 Med students and 7 compsci for my build altho im one away from bc. 35 Lv4 and 1 lv2. My build will end up just under 2mcs intel so if u want 4mcs/2mcs u gonna want 28med and 8 compsci
  6. 24 med students 12 comp sci, if you have twice as many meds as comp sci your str will be double your intel