The wars for the hunt are usually pretty fun, but I don't understand the timezone stuff, and never have (ain't my strong point :lol: ). Every time it wait to see when one is going to start, I tend to miss it because it only appears an hour before war, so if I fall asleep or I'm busy I can't check every minute. So I was just wondering if it was possible that you could extend the sign up time to a few extra hours, just so it appears for longer and hopefully won't be forgotten as easily Ta
The reason they got rid of it was because people would sign up hours in advance and fall asleep and be inactive in the war, no support it's fine how it is, unless they want to add a notification 5 minutes before war start reminding people to leave club
It doesn't mean there can't be a countdown timer maybe 6 hours before the war starts in our profiles or one in forums for when tue sign ups begin or till the war. The times for the wars are always the worst for the same few timezones.
Not great timing for Hawaii so I say support. Hawaii is like either early morming or mod evening. Both times when I'm sleeping, eating, working. The fustration of missing war sign ups for a busy person. I mean I know the timing its just hard to sign up im time because you get busy and forget.