Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. Tell me 2 things you like about your job and 2 things you dislike.

    I shall go first:

    1. I like that I donut have to deal w the public, I only interact w my coworkers.
    2. I like my hours. I have to wake up earlier than most but then I have so much day afterwards and it's great.

    1. I dislike prepping seafood. Sorting through mussels is gross af and cutting salmon takes forever and the scales get everywhere.
    2. I'm not a fan of how much one of my managers swears at everyone. He's nice most of the time but he has a terrible temper.
  2. Like
    • I work with animals (mostly dogs and the occasional cat)!
    • My coworkers are all decent people, incl. my managers and fellow supervisors.
    • My salary isn't the greatest (although it is a bit above the state minimum wage).
    • I'm literally now immune to the stench of dog shıt.
  3. I wish I could become immune to certain horrible smells. It's been over a year and I still gag everytime I wash mussels
  4. Re: Q

    1. It would've been good pay.
    2. I could work with another person and not have to interact with the clients.

    1. They didn't call me back when I called and left a message,
    2. so I didn't get the job.
    x I like being able to think outside of the box and make creative decisions at my job.
    x I like being left to my own devices and being trusted to do my job well without much direction or hovering.

    x Holy smokes, the amount of work expected of me every day gives me heart palpitations.
    x I don't get paid enough for this shìt.
  6. Re: Q

    Next time. Stay optimistic.
  7. Those dislikes are too real :c I empathize.
    I am gelatin of the trust/lack of hovering. The manager I have who throws temper tantrums is also a huge control freak and micro-manages everything everyone does. What sort of creative decisions do you get to make?
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    I am. I have a busy end of the month so I'm applying to another job asap in July. Keepin' my eyes peeled for opportunities.
  9. I know but the fact that the smell of dog poop is "normal" to me because I smell it constantly is just so weird. Although I suppose it would be better than frequently gagging or making a face during my shifts like some of my [younger] coworkers do
  10. Re: Q


    1. My pay is $13 an hour with paid overtime

    2. I get to work by myself most of the time which makes me my own boss.


    1. Sometimes there’s a 30 minute overlap which means one worker comes in 30 minutes before I leave. It’s fine but there’s one coworker who I hate a lot. He constantly wants to chat with the baristas and avoids the tasks he is supposed to do if I am working with him. I end up staying 15-30 minutes over to complete things he chose to ignore.which I get paid for this time but it’s still frustrating.

    2. Human contact.
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  12. I am sorry to hear that. That sounds obnoxious.

    I get to decide where fixtures, clothing and accessories go on the floor pad, the outfits I put on the mannequins, what product to push forward and how. :)
  13. Re: Q

    Yay for jobs with a lack of humans. I swear, I used to think my job opportunities were limited since I don't like being around strangers and I'd end up working in a factory or smthing
  14. Are you a fashion designer? ? that sounds like a fun job tbh
  15. Nah, just a visual merchandiser. Haha
  16. Re: Q

    1. The clients are quiet and pretty forgiving for my mistakes
    2. I’m on my own for the most part

    1. I’m on call 24/7 pretty much
    2. The clients can reek of death
  17. Re: Q

    So Morticia is short for Mortician? I was hoping it was an Addams family reference
  18. Re: Q

    I was going for Morticia Addams, it just happens to be that I’m a mortician
    In no particular order:
    • There is a lot of wine and drinking involved, and I don't pay for very much of it.

      There is also a lot of really good food involved. Again, I don't pay for very much of it. People are usually very happy to exchange food for wine. :D

    • I've recently been 'promoted' and my new position involves a lot less human interaction, which I'm beginning to learn I actually didn't mind as much as I thought.

      *says in a nasty French accent* Sebastien
      He's my fellow manager over wholesale. He's so much better at it than me, and that disgusts me. He's like, a natural. Smh. He's so annoying -.-
      name was changed for privacy ?
  20. Re: Q

    Love this