PVP hunt Remaking this to add on more ideas 20-25 successful hits on the battle list = 1 key. Would've wanted there to be more hits (like 100), but keys unlock drops also, not only avatars. People who get hit can't see the name of the person who hit them, unless it was a failed hit, or the person didn't hit them from the battle list. Battle list only! Oh and ATA? People participating will buy doctors notes Noobs who want to stay pinned will buy cats, it's a win win situation
SUPPORTS! and I like that idea about an opt in option for those that want to participate. But anyone can still be hit?
I didn't even click on this to know this is never gonna happen. Ata doesn't make enough money this way I would like this to happen though, don't get me wrong
Also I can see the beauty and eloquence of this thread, I can tell you took your time to come up with such a prodigious idea, so goddamn amazing.