
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. Happy happy pride month. If you have one, pls share your coming out story or something similar c:

    Personally, I never came out (mostly out of defiance since I think "coming out" is antiquated and no one should assume what someone's sexuality is.) I kind of just brought my gf of the time home and referred to her as such, so there wasn't any confusion but there was also no discussion of acceptance or tears or whatever else drama could have occurred.

    However, I know the majority of people like to do it differently and am curious. Share your ~pride~
  2. Can you or firebends do a thread defining all of the Pride gifts?
  3. omg yesss!!!! I was just about to do this ?️‍

    mines pretty boring tbh. i just texted my parents that i liked guys and they were completely okay w it. I was SUUUPER nervous tho bc my family didn’t seem very ‘accepting’ but they’ve been so open and loving!

  4. I'm glad you're happy. 
  5. I don't have the time to do it today but if Hailey doesn't get on it, I can probably tomorrow. Kitten made a thread last year that if it isn't locked I can try and bump for now
  6. I guess I’ve never come out but I’m not exactly in the closet, who I sleep with just doesn’t come up day to day. My family is dangerously homophobic so only close friends and ex’s know, or whoever asks, I’m pansexual.
  7. I’d honestly love to see more information about the different gifts, because I’m a bit clueless in that area.
  8. That's a shame :/ one of my brothers likes calling me a dýke and saying I'm going to hell but he still loves me and is kind. Ppl ignorant
  9. Yay, I'm happy for you ? I find it especially comforting when ppl you wouldn't expect to be accepting end up being super supportive
  10. Well my parents thought i was gay until i brought a girl home, they didn’t seem to care. does that count ?
  11. Oh hell yeah ! Pride is my favourite ! I’m a gay trans man and I came out at 16, in now 22, but yeah it’s been a really good time ! I don’t talk to my parents anymore bc of it, but for all those younger members of the lgbtq community readin this, it gets better ! By a lot ! I made my own little family with my friends that I met and it’s been amazing ! U are all loved and valid no matter what anyone tells you ?️‍❣️
  12. Lol I come from a very religious family and am unsure if they would be tolerant so my extended family doesn't know but when I told my mom I remember being so fucking scared and she looked me dead in the eye and said "Yea I know, me too." Hearing her experiences and just knowing at all my mom liked women was as well was mind blowing haha
  13. Lmao sure. Coming out as straight exists for some ppl too ig
  14. It's a shame some families are less accepting but I'm glad you're surrounded by positive people who love you for who are ? stay strong
  15. Yay, a nice bonding moment ?
  16. I came out in grade 7 to my mom but at the time she didn’t really believe me lol.
    It wasn’t until I turned 19 I told her I was pan. I had to explain to her what it meant and all that but she was surprisingly really interested. After I was done explaining she gave me a hug and told me she’ll always be proud of me and as long as I’m happy it doesn’t matter who I like. After that it was easier to tell the rest of my family they’ve been super supportive.
    The one person I haven’t told is my dad since I haven’t seen him for 8 years and I can’t really get in touch with him since he always goes out of town for work. I hope one day I can tell him and he’ll accept me for me.

    Happy pride month! ?️‍
  17. Well, I never had a real coming out too, just always like “see what happens.” Just this year I came to terms with being l(esbian wow thx ata for censoring) and I just had my first CSD last weekend (it was a blast!). I just weird, since I’m turning 20 next week and since I was so unsure about everything I never really had a relationship or similar and I just feel... Awkward about it. ?
  18. I haven’t come out yet because I’m still trying to discover myself

    Happy Pride to those who came out?️‍?
  19. I'm glad everything worked out and I hope your father is as accepting as everyone else ?
  20. I had to Google CSD but it sounds fun ag and I am jealous. I hope you sort everything out ?