Pride Gala 2021 Avi

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CapedClown, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. Why were Pride avis removed? Will that be an issue for other avis in the future?
    FieryCrash, --Tifa, Styx and 7 others like this.
  2. yes I love to know the same and to why they were removed
    Styx likes this.
  3. I would also like to know why, bit confused why there’s no explanation yet
  4. My bet is something regarding the original artists copyright/plagiarism vs someone's work or something to do with being close to a real person's likeness since all images on the forums have been scrubbed entirely on top of the removal from accounts.

    Here's hoping that ATA provides more deets
    C4ITLIN, FieryCrash and SnowSparrow like this.
  5. Glad someone is asking, I'm curious too. 👀
  6. It is related to copyright. I don’t know if we’ll be told more.
    C4ITLIN and --Tifa like this.