Price for VIP ava items

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by octolord, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. What in your opinion are prices in chibis or bentos when it comes to combinable ava items in vip boxes. Like roses and ribbons and clouds?
  2. All I remeber is it was 2 roses per bento when they 1st came out idk where they at now tho
  3. It varies depending on which item you’re buying/selling.

    For example, skulls are going for the same price that cups used to go for.
  4. for the first couple weeks or even months they will usually be 1:1b but i’ve noticed that the female shards always seem to be slightly more expensive than the male ones
  5. Sell women things that are beautiful, cute, or which beautify (which includes avatar parts) for a huge profit.
  6. Hello could some1 please help,I am trying to locate a pix of amethyst peachicks chicks as well as stats of and making sure of 2 resplendant,so appreciate all ur help , thanknyou so much and have agreat evening🥳🙊