Price Check for Party Amps?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Istroberi2, Mar 19, 2022.

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  1. Bro Code, Vip Pass, Art Skool, Otaku, Hipster 🤧🥺
  2. I would say
    VIP Amp : 6c-7c
    Bro Amp: 3c each
    Hipster: 3c-4c
    Art Skool : 5c-7c
    Not sure for Otaku
    And I’m sure others people might have other prices because they have so many they just wanna sell quickly
    Istroberi2 likes this.
  3. I'd say 1c bro
    3c hipster / art Skool
    5-7c VIP / Otaku
    Istroberi2 likes this.
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