positivity/ discipline

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Alicia, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. Hi, I am here to ask how do you guys keep a positive mind frame and a clear mind. Is it a hobby? Do you do it daily?

    I am a procrastinator and have pretty bad anxiety, but I can be very bold and goal oriented with the right motivation. I am learning discipline, but I am having a hard time keeping the negative thoughts out.

    I love to meditate, do yoga, draw, read, learn. I’ll start up and be on a streak of the things I like to do for a few days and kinda forget about it for a while.

    So, now I ask, how do you keep yourself going? Staying positive? Focused on your goals?

    ( I just need some tips to keep me going honestly)
  2. I was always remind myself this shizzle is not gonna get done by itself (if I need to clean)
    If I’m down about something I always tell myself that the past is the past. There ain’t nothing you can change about it ?‍♀️
  3. Totally feel you on that. It sucks bc my anxiety can be so crippling sometimes. But I am learning to push myself very hard to get up and do it. Stop being lazy. It’s only beneficial for my future. I’m learning to breathe. ( I wasn’t taught much of irl in my childhood, just to be book smart.. barely)
    Take a step back and assess the situation before reacting, but boy that’s tough
  4. Right. I get that
  5. When I wake up I like to make a list of things I wanna get done in a day. I'll usually put things like a chore or two that I want done, a minimum of fruit or veg i wanna eat, some form of exercise even if it's just smthing like stretching or doing a few squats. I add my bigger goals too but the little ones help keep me busy and healthy
  6. Bold of you to assume my mind is positive
    Its full time negativity in there
  7. I have terrible self discipline so I kinda give myself a pep talk each morning. Remind myself I am worth the effort to accomplish my goal. Now I LOVE a list and THRIVE when I have a set of rules. So I set rules for myself and follow them.
    My issues with anxiety cause me to avoid others and too much stimulation results in me pulling away from others and I am truly not that kind of person. Part of my therapy is making myself interacting with others. I’m failing.
  8. I usually cry and then start doing the things
  9. I always tell myself I’ll make one before bed but maybe I should try while eating breakfast. I like it ty
  10. Sounds like a lot of white noise. You must be used to it
  11. I love being able to scratch off something on my list. Why am I scared of making a list idk but I hope you do interact with others. I always say ima take a walk bc I can’t stand being cooped up but then I let myself be distracted by this game.
  12. Yo a good cry always helps me get moving ngl
  13. Get distracted by pokemon go. Then you have to leave your home and walk
  14. That's what my RS does :)
  15. I just cry whenever I feel overwhelmed. Helps me deal with stress and once I'm done my mind's a bit more clearer. I also rant to myself bc why not ig.
  16. Big mood. :lol:
  17. I eat. After doing it, I feel motivated and with much more energy.
  18. How is it possible? I end up sleeping after I eat which btw sleep is a good way to avoid things you have to do
  19. I try to do affirmations and at least stretch every day.

    I have an affirmation script that I work on.

    I have a fitness routine that I work on.

    I write things that I'm thankful for and proud of each day: My mitzvot and brachot.

    And yeah... Keep the weekend for relaxing as much as possible.

    Work hard during the week. I also take the "make hay while the sun shines" to push myself to get up early and toil in some way until sun set.