Poll for a new story pass.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by X_---_lIl_EL-DO-RADO_lIl_---_X, May 16, 2021.


We need side story pass like venetian masks in gfts?

Poll closed May 30, 2021.
  1. Yes

  2. No


    It's been long venetian storypass disappeared from gift section. :(:(

    Do people need something like that again?

    New story pass new exciting activities..... ❤️

  2. A new story pass would be nice. But since the wedding pass just ended few days ago, sadly we won’t be having new one anytime soon. Though, I don’t recommend the venetian pass. A lot got scammed during that. But the wedding tradable pass was nice 👍
  3. Pritty sure ata have been doing a new pass yearly. Theres been alot i know that much. More will be coming at some point
  4. Also side note. Watch the amount of threads you are making or you gonna end up forum silensed for spam. The limit is 3 per day (as in full 24hrs)
  5. Yes many people get scammed that time.
    -Sett- likes this.
  6. Thanks for letting me know 😊
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.