Please join my club

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -S-A-Supernatural-E-T-, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Please come to my club to pwar, my side is hitters, cows are full up, anyway, yeah come earn some cash, we have dance only fight only and balanced stats , 12 kcs upwards please join fast, thx so much guys
  2. ?Don't laugh, he needs hitters, ALOT, he also needs hitters over 350-360kcs to hit top cow
  3. It doesn't hurt to use periods. 
  4. True though on the nexus 7 its easy with , then -
  5. True, though on the device he uses its easer to use , than -
  6.  Any chance anyone is even gonna join?
  7. I am begging my ass off please please please join