Play around the percentages?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlllIlIIIIllIDogeIIllllIIIIIl, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Ever since the removal of patterns on parties, the best strategy to hit the party was to stay fully uled. With each 5 min break pimd gives you 9% of you max str and int to work with. We know that in fa101 snark consumes 5%, rave - 6%, sigh - 2% and lecture - 3% of your max str and int. So if I do rave, I can do the action once, thus I still have 3% of my health, which I can use on sigh, leaving myself with 1%, and then rave again. There could be more examples, but the question is - has anybody tested this and does this give any benefit for the little extra time we would consume doing this?
  2. Not worth my times it doesn't include cat cafe , how depressing 
  3. Yeah, doesnt apply to premium parties
  4. I Just hit whatever.. tf
  5. I just hit the bars in the order they give the most hits tbh... non money bars first..sigh equivalent first.. lecture second snark third.. rave equivalent always last for me.
  6. I do this always, yes it works
  7. Bump interesting mathematics 