Pineapple on pizza

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -IRobMyRsForFun-, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. Should pineapple be allowed on pizza ? I vote yes
  2. yes yes and more yes
  3. I mean it can, doesn’t mean I will eat it that way
  4. To Infinity Yes 
  5. Yes but don’t drown the pizza in pineapple
    There must be a balance. ?
  6. no ty
    Detention likes this.
  7. Let's not do this again
  8. Or Should pizza be allowed on pineapple?
  9. How about no. Don't care what anyone thinks no it doesn't.
  10. die
  11. ? jk ily i didn’t read the name
  12. I support this thread strongly
  13. I-I... yes ?
  14. Um of course. It's the perfect sweetness to balance the savoryness of pizza.
  15. Yes plain and simple lol
  16. love should be on pizza