PINAY and PINOY Read this

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxLePrincessxx, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. So if you are from the Philippines and having a hard time finding open cat cafe and ppa party, then you must approach me for some reasons. We might help each other here. But if you're not interested then leave this thread alone.
  2. Whats the difference between pinay and pinay?
    Double post also.
  3. Pinoys are generally all filipinos or male filipinos only. Pinays are female filipinos.
  5. Another thread huh? Welp, I hope you're ready to get bashed
  6. Omg they really need to patch that :c
  7. I swear being a working class white chick from the suburbs gets you nowhere on this game :|
    And NO I am not meaning it in a racist way at all before you all get on your high horses... I just get it now, feeling like the minority and I'm not even sure why race is a factor tbh.
  9. Dat black magic
  10. Kabayan! Cantonese Filipino here. New to the game. A friend or two will do. :)
  11. ? I'm Filipino... But I'm just that badass