Pimd's Best Moments 2014 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Sorry if I fail at all with my BB codes 

    So as you know it's almost the end of another PIMD Year! Let's celebrate with a pint! 

    In celebration of the end of another year lets all share what has been some of our favourite PIMD moment as well as some RL moments!

    Also feel free to share some of your WORST moments of the year! 

    Much love forumers!

  2. That spelling fail made me laugh.  it's "favorite" not "favourite" 
  3. Best moments are to have a life and ignore this game for a whole year until I came back on last week
  4. Blame IOS 8 for that
  5. When I got my meeku avi ? best thing ever
  6. I was so close to getting the star liege... But Pimd just had to end the hunt 
  7. Omg ik right!? I'm getting them next time ?
  8. When I met my rl bf at -R-VIPs then met him in rlBest Pimd moment EVER
  10. That's the excuse everyone who can't spell uses.
  11. Not really.
  12. best moments are : death of wars,pwars, pro parties and regular parties, rise up of cc parties and all hunts they held
    no seriously not sure if there are good moments
  13. There are more worst moments than best moments.
  14. Yup
  15. So? Put good moments down.
  16. Arrowette's thread is better
  17. Can't think of any, oops.
  18. Favorite is the preferred spelling in US. Favourite is the preferred spelling in the UK and who knows where else. Both are correctOn topic now...The best of 2014 for me was meeting Rex back in early January