Pimd Time Capsule

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Anonymous, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. what will you add?

    taking the idea from a thread made years ago

    so if there were a time capsule from day one of pimd up to today, that would be opened 10 years from now, you could save one memory, what would it be and why would you choose it?

    Ex: a feature, a showcase/furni item, a special person, a big pimd moment, war, etc. anything at all in memory of your time on this app. What would you choose?

    bonus points for old timey screenshots of pimd past

    send potties thx
  2. Please open the very first pimd time capsule to make the 2nd one...
  3. I will save the memories with my bby Eddy
  4. I take my words back, he is an ass
  5. I’d put Mini in the capsule so they can judge feature pimd players.
  6. The "Embarassing Forums Posts" ss album courtesy of @Ciara.
  7. The old loading screen with the nurse on it. ?
  8. Support
  9. I would put Bradley @Schwanz in there. He's short enough to fit. ;)
  10. snowball hunt
  11. I’d put you in it so i can judge you.
  12. Throw _Warrior in there.

  13. Yes ?
  14. Support
  15. "DUN TEST ME LAH!"
  16. Sounds like fun
  17. I'd save the memory of when i first met one of my bffs on here. We clicked so amazingly well. So much is different now and I get so sad because even though it is needed, change just sucks sometimes, but when we first met, it was so special to me and I want to hold on to that memory forever. :(
  18. That's cute.. and kinda sad.
  19. Ugly squash  please bring it back