'PiMD Riots'

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Webboo, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Really?

    Spamming campus because someone was 'unfairly' silenced?

    This resulting in you getting silenced and you getting mad.

    This is another reason I am leaving. The new generation of PiMD has gotten too 'noob-ish', if you will.

    "POOP" won't be unsilenced. You will be silenced.

    Don't spam campus trying to free an 'innocent' player.

    Half of the people posting have no clue what's happening, just going with the flow.

    PiMD used to be a fun enviroment where you could have deep conversations with people on campus without 'noobs' saying "FREE POOP!"

    I feel sorry for 'pimd', the developer.

    He, and fellow developers have to deal with this nonsense.

    In the wise words of someone who posted on campus a minute ago:

    "Grow some balls and get over it"
  2. Agreed  They are all 4 year olds!
  3. Exactly, Boo  these people need to shut up and stop spamming forums too.

    Oh wait, they have already shut up because of their silence 
  4. I agree 
  5. LOLOLOL . Poop has been treated unfairly. Half the people that got silenced were LcBc's
  6. If you feel so empty, so dirty, so fucked up, your not the only one so get uppppp, let's start a riot, a riot, let's start a riot
  7. Ya that's why I only post on campus to call Roy and PIMD noobs lol but the female dev was on today
  8. I talked to the developer on campus!

    We actually had a conversation!

    People were trying to talk to them but they talked to me!