pimd profiles being hacked

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -uberhaxornova-, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. My profile was hacked it was so bogus the person got me silinced
  2.  I dislike that person
  3. Lol it was probably Jose.
  4. Hey who agrees jb is gay
  5. K back on topic
  6. Who is Jose? How do they hack your accounts? 
  7. Jose is the guy who has made multiple accounts and giving the mods a hard time for 4 days. They hack by getting their UDID.
  8. I dont know but its bull
  9. Are you perm silenced or 24 hour
  10. Jose comes out mostly at night... Mostly
  11. Is that even possible to get your profile hacked???
  12. Lmao  the fail pedo troll comes out at night
  13. Lmao. 
  14. Oh shoot Pedobear!!!
  15. Using homophoic language is against the ToU. Please refrain from using that.
  16. ~_
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