Pimd-escaping reality

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm, Jun 29, 2020.


Most people start playing pimd to escape reality and end up being ignorant

  1. Couldn't agree more

    1 vote(s)
  2. Harsh truth

    1 vote(s)
  3. My opinion is irrelevant

    1 vote(s)
  1. Idk most people so idk
  2. I don't even know what i was doing when i installed this game
  3. When I downloaded this game I had no idea wtf it was. It was listed in the top games in the App Store, or it came up while I was looking for something else, idk but I remember when I got on it the first time I was like wait you talk to people and shit on here? I was so confused as to what this even was. I got bored with it and stopped playing for like 6 months, but after I got rid of social media I started getting on to play and just see like what people were talking about. Now I just get on throughout the day to hit parties and I look in forums if I’m not doing anything.
  4. No, I just play it cause I crave attention and rl isn't enuff
  5. Shameless but bold