PIMD "Empires" 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. So it's slowing becoming a thing in pimd to have what is called, an "empire".

    No, not an vampire nor an umpire. "Empire". I'm sure you all know what an empire is where someone wants to rule someplace and declares themselves king and whatnot.

    So as I've lurked here and there and observed, I think I've come up with PIMD's current Empires.

    The biggest empire in Pimd would have to be BCSwith all their clubs and club tags running around making new clubs that has nothing to do with BCS. But that's besides the point. (Everyone does that. Loyalty anyone? No? Okay.)

    Pimds 2nd biggest empire would probably M4GN1F1C3NT, though it's been a long time since I've even seen a M4G Tag roaming around but that's probably because I'm not on enough. But that's my observation.

    Coming up in 3rd place for an empire... Wait for it... It's Lucy's! Believe it or not, with her "empire" steadily and slowly growing, there's no doubt this will be bigger in the future. Doesn't matter if you like it or not.

    Behind Lucy's empire would have to be _Warrior's empire due to yesterday's PIMD election. Already has bodyguards and shit. Beware[\i]dot dot dot...

    SpitFires empire would probably be around here somewhere but it's most likely wrong due to the varying supporters here. So I stuck this hit here. Deal with it.

    Then after that, we have Kaname's! Not very big but big enough.

    Then we have p1ckl3s tiny empire lurking in the shadows, trying to pick a good time to take over.

    And last but not least, Vice empire. Lost all supporters because I suck. Skills. ?

    Anyways, that is from my observation and if you think someone's "empire" goes some place else, feel free to do whatever you want.
  2. I dun fucked up on the italics bb code. C'mon pimd, implement the preview post ?
  3. It's just the way how I see it.
    How do you see it? 
  4. Fuck lucys "empire"

    I may not like bcs but theyre hitters

    I have an alt stronger than lucys club fuck outta here

    In V for Vendetta scuds thought they had an empire too
  5. Youre right bout warrior and kaname though

    Im im their corners if the lucys were serious about taking them out
  6. I would think that Vendetta do not think of themselves as an empire.  At least not that I've heard anyway
  7. Lucy's empire wouldn't last.
    It'll eventually die when her creditcard runs dry.

    You have bad observation skills.
    Just look at the club V.I.P. List, the top 10 are the biggest empires.
  8. My Empire has merged with Warriors just to protect him better?Lucy's Empires days are numbered
  9. I'll be waiting for the Cold War.
    Warrior & Kaname FTW.
  10. I'm basing my observations off of who thinks who rules pimd. Not off VIP.
  11. Lmao why is my name there?
  12. I don't have an empire, 
  13. Because people worship you .-. If I hadn't put you there, Someone would've bitched at me to put you there
  14. THAT doesn't save anyone from being hit/farmed
  15. It's not supposed to save me from being farmed .-.
  16. Talking about the "worship" or "ass kissery" IM JUST A PLAYA PLAYIN THA GAME >33
  17. Well carry on, NOOBS!

    Deuces xD
  18. Can't deny the facts.