Not sure if anything like this has been done before but here it goes. What is the aim of any business? To my knowledge it's to make a profit. How do you maintain or increase profit in a business? To my knowledge it's by keeping your customers happy and giving your customers what they want. So lets gather some ideas and maybe Developers will pay attention and innovate this wonderful app by using some of you're ideas. My idea: Each club should have the ability to play music in the background. By this i mean if you're in CC the music that a owner/admin decides to put in the background should play on everyones phone who is on CC at the time. It would also work with club walls. You should be able to choose a theme song for your club for when people decide to check a specific club wall. Of course there should also be a MUTE button in settings if you do not wish to participate with the music part of the game. My club tune would be: Love Me (Explicit) - Lil Wayne ft. Future and Drake Make it happen Now state you're ideas guys
this could work. Devs would probably make it cost creds. They should let us unlock songs by creds. Prices could be adjusted depending on popularity. Maybe even playlists
Nah i was more thinking the music you have on your phone you can just upload the songs. Or maybe purchase through i Tune store. That way there isn't a limited choice on music otherwise it would be to repetitive with limited choices.
Its a 17 game. 17 year olds listen to explicit music its legally allowed to they would not face any legal issues with it.
Also, there should be an option where you can create your own ID photo. How much strength/intelligence that ID photo has will determine how many ECs it cost.
Explicit movies start on TV stating 18 rating. Does that mean kids don't watch them? I know i did when i was a kid. Same principle.
Why don't they just let us play our music over the app.. so we can listen to our music while we play. I mean i doubt they'll do something that complicated like having different music on every cc.