UPDATE The issue has now been fixed! Please continue partying. Hey Everyone, We are aware that PimD may be crashing for some users who have update PimD to version 1.40. We are currently fixing this and will update this thread once it has been resolved. Because it crashes before you can get to the feedback button, we don't know who is crashing and who is not. If you know that one of your friend's accounts is crashing, please let us know their username in this thread. This will help us get to the bottom of this. Thanks! The Devs
My account crashes when I try to press the feedback button. .-. I would post my username, but it's too long and I don't really know it by heart.
Mine isn't crashing totally, when I'm in parties my regen time is lagging big time and I'm missin out on hits causes me to loose my party plunder. When I pm someone it is lagging there too. Freezes up on me. So put my name in the list. Lobishoman
So far it crashed and force close 3 times already when I'm doing parties, not only that, its lagging way to much and it takes along time to load on everything from posting on people's wall to chat to looking my profile to going to the store(ok you get the point its EXTREMLY SLOW). I've been like this about 4 days. Please fix ASAP
My boots me out do for to much action every 10min i get boot and reset need to logn back in -D_G-DBR_Da_DeathMark-
And this is a perfectly good example of why I NEVER update this game right away. I always wait for all the faults to be resolved first.
Crashed during a party, couldn't log on and now missing 50b.... what are the chances of me getting that back.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR