Pimd community

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PromiscuityPersonified, May 19, 2018.

  1. Hello again losers. How unproductive are we today?
  2. Very ?
  3. I hosted a flash. Very productive
  4. Anything you do in this game cannot be categorized as productive, sorry
  5. So then why are you wasting your time?
  6. Very unproductive. Spent the day procrastinating. Hbu OP?
  8. I score an F
  9. I was busy plotting world domination.
  10. On a scale of 1-10... 12
  11. I reinstalled pimd
  12. Really? Youre asking that question on a thread that talks about unproductivity?
  13. Yeah, I'm asking why you are being unproductive. That isn't something to get your knickers in a twist over.
  14. Went to the post office to mail a necklace I sold, went to the grocery store and planned dinner, gave my puppy a bath, irritated my sister, called two friends, and currently relaxing.
  15. For the first time
  16. Cuz im taking a break from being productive
  17. Hello