Pimd app crashing? (May 2019)

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kefo, May 30, 2019.

  1. So recently, my PIMD app has been crashing. I personally had a keyboard app installed on my phone, and after less than an hour of playing PIMD, it would inevitably stop working, then start working again briefly, pimd would slow down, and eventually cack itself.

    I sent a.t.a tickets asking if they could make pimd compatible with that keyboard. They told me to update the app, no change. No progress.

    A few days ago I decided to uninstall that app and got a new one.

    Pimd works fine except now it just crashes when I open pm's, back out of a forum, check my profile after a pet's levelled up, and seemingly in other random ways.

    I asked some of my friends whether they experienced similar crashes, and soem said they had. One person suggested reinstalling PIMD and it worked.

    I'd like to hear your stories about funny or annoying times when pimd has crashed, if there were circumstances around that, and how they might have been resolved.

    PIMD seems to be becoming less compatible with a wide range of devices. I remember when they serviced amazon devices, and people played on their iPhone 1's and 2's.
  2. Every time I turn on my WiFi my inbox doesn’t work. It tells me to force quit or something else. Also in some cases the keyboard disappears and I can’t type... ? It Really Grinds My Gears
  3. For months I get no notifs when gifted, wall posts, follows, pms and everything else work fine but not gifts so I constantly refresh the app just to not miss anything. Beyond that, there are other issues that happen frequently like sending a pm I get the popup “your messages are corrupted please uninstall” and all my pm chats are vanished
    Buwbuw likes this.
  4. Pimd has a this session has expired even when your on only one phone and you have to force quit or you get notfications late
  5. That’s the government hacking to see how good at rp you are
    Buwbuw likes this.
  6. Every help ticket I've ever submitted has caused my app to crash. ? Then, recently, all my help tickets have appeared to be deleted. ?
    maybe they were tired of me pointing out their flaws ?
    The app sometimes crashes when I click profiles, then chat, then another profile too many times. It prefers I go to the home screen to clear it before visiting another profile.
  7. I’ve come to bless this thread
    Buwbuw and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  8. I have this issue too.
    It’s not the end of the world of course, but it’s annoying.
  9. Ive the same issue minus the message corruptions
  10. So I found out the the free offer wall some of the offer has viruses so for warning don't do any of the surveys or the 100$ gift card ones . Or any one that a flashlight app or a game coins app there all bad and have virus
  11. Any off on any offerwall that is a “give email for a chance to win” kinda thing you wanna avoid lol unless you enjoy mass email spam from loads of places
  12. Earlier today, my keyboard app was having a fit due to PIMD starting to lag. I wasn't even able to finish sending a pm before it'd crashed.

    But it's been working pretty okay after I threw my phone and gave it the silent treatment for a few hours :)
  13. Happened to me too lol. Also, whenever I open threads that contain a lot of gifs my app crashes ;(
  14. This hasn't happened to me but if there are too many images or gifs, it might refuse to load properly. And just buffer. The solution is to click on pm or notifications and then thr back button to go back to the forum and it loads instantly
  15. Yea it used to work before but now the game just freezes if I click on notifs/pms
  16. When I do too much turtle rp
  17. Demonstrate plz 
  18. TIP: If you turn off pub and tutor chat, your app wont glitch as much when talking in club chat or campus chat
  19. My sister has been experiencing those crashes. She actually opened a ticket about it a couple of times and they said that she needed to update the app and closes her ticket. So she updated the up but still crashes so she filed another ticket. This time they said that it was probably because of her phone storage so they closed the ticket again. My sister kept on ranting about it because her phone storage is perfectly fine. She kept on filing the ticket but they say the same thing and closes it.