Picture thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Its_Kelsey_Baby, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. Hello!

    I took my sister Kelsey's I-pod so yah post pictures hehe
  2. Im gonna slap somebody if they make another picture thread 
  3. Go tell your mom... Your sister is a sexter... You might get a free iphone
  4. Sorry about that guys my sister was being a wierdo
  5. So she didn't tell your mother?
  6. This is Kelsey again btw.Yes I did tell my mother..My sister is grounded for a month
  7. Right?....

    So how did you get your sister's iPod in a minute?  Suspicious ....
  8. Wait are you Kelsey? So you and your sister names are Kelsey?
  9. No my sisters name is Brooke I'm Kelsey
  10. But you said ,"This is Kelsey again, and yes I did tell my mother she is grounded for a month"

    And your first post said that your name is Kelsey 