So there is a war coming up. New school vs Old School to be exact. I need the community's help to let the devs know that I am an old school player despite this new account. I need some old players to help comment on here and old mods on here to help me convince the devs to allow me on the old school team where I belong!!!! PLEASE LET ME WAR WITH THE OLD SCHOOLERS Some old names of mine: -TL-Wallacedude -TL-Wallace -TL-FatBoyWallace -Immortals-Wallace -Immortals-Wallace- RS_Wallace RS_BenAfflek -EViL-Wallace -EViL-Bungus
No support, if I fall off a ladder I restart at the bottom there ain’t no check points my little pony
There’s worth a shot. There’s been plenty of old school players that we know that have allow stats. And many players think they’re new due to low stats just because of this. I bet if it was anyone that was in his shoes that has been playing, esp this long... they would at least try themselves. Am I right? Or am I wrong? Thing is we all have a right to speak out. We all try to prove how much we know on this game in one way or another. Doing something is doing better then nothing ?
Sorry, I don’t think I remember you from back then.? Are you sure you’re not a new player? jkjk rip evil ?
But if you think about it, wouldn’t being an old player, who has war knowledge, help the new players? Cuz like
Tbh I can't even talk in cc because I'm on an older device and there is so much spam in wc that it'll freeze my phone up