Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MrWallace, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. So there is a war coming up. New school vs Old School to be exact. I need the community's help to let the devs know that I am an old school player despite this new account. I need some old players to help comment on here and old mods on here to help me convince the devs to allow me on the old school team where I belong!!!! PLEASE LET ME WAR WITH THE OLD SCHOOLERS

    Some old names of mine:
  2. But it's not organized by the devs you nub
  3. No support, if I fall off a ladder I restart at the bottom there ain’t no check points my little pony
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  4. I know Wallace is old as hell but I kinda doubt this will mean anything if I'm honest
  5. Eh I agree with you, but it's at least worth a shot
  6. There’s worth a shot. There’s been plenty of old school players that we know that have allow stats. And many players think they’re new due to low stats just because of this. I bet if it was anyone that was in his shoes that has been playing, esp this long... they would at least try themselves. Am I right? Or am I wrong? Thing is we all have a right to speak out. We all try to prove how much we know on this game in one way or another. Doing something is doing better then nothing ?
  7. I definitely remember both you and your husband from Immortals days!!! Lol
  8. I’m supporting this just so I can actually have someone to hit

    I’m jk ofc
  9.  Wallace, I really like the attempt TBH
  10. Quinn do you support this? Lol
  11. Sorry, I don’t think I remember you from back then.? Are you sure you’re not a new player?

    jkjk rip evil ?
    Brittany likes this.
  12. Who are you?
  13. Crystal ? I miss you and Wyatt
  14. Nickie you're already stressing me out
  15. But if you think about it, wouldn’t being an old player, who has war knowledge, help the new players? Cuz like
  16. Just do cat parties

  17. Tbh I can't even talk in cc because I'm on an older device and there is so much spam in wc that it'll freeze my phone up
  18. I think it’s time for an upgrade from your Nokia
  19. Spend some cash then request ish you idiot