Petition to Restore the Freedom of Speech

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed34360, May 5, 2019.

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  1. A Petition to A Thinking Ape, Inc., Regarding Speech on Its Game, Party in my Dorm.

    Whereas: ATA used to heavily regulate speech on this platform in relation to role play and related areas.

    Whereas: ATA eventually came to loosen its guidelines for acceptable speech.

    Whereas: ATA has in recent times adopted policies that restrict speech, particularly in ways that are in line with contemporary left-wing thought.

    Whereas: The freedom of speech, as embodied in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, is a sacred and necessary right in order to have a truly free community.

    Whereas: This freedom is unlimited in most circumstances.

    Whereas: ATA, as a private company, is free, and should be free, to set its own standards and policies for its platforms.

    Therefore, we humbly request:

    1) That ATA adopt the First Amendment’s definition of freedom of speech.

    2) That ATA make this definition their policy on expression for Party in my Dorm.

    3) That ATA cease all censorship and instead allow individuals to create their own filters on Party in my Dorm.

    4) That ATA apologize for limiting our speech in the past on Party in my Dorn.

    5) That ATA agree to not make any further changes to their policies relating to speech without a plebiscite demonstrating that sixty per cent of Party in my Dorm’s players support the changes.

    **Please write “support” if you agree with this petition.**
  2. But ATA is based in Canada. Why should they have to adhere to the United States Constitution?
  4. Can't really ask for a Canadian-based company to follow American laws.
  5. Oof
  6. Firstly, even if they were an American company, ATA would not be required to follow the First Amendment. Secondly, the reason I am proposing that they adopt the First Amendment as their standard is that it is the best and purest expression of the freedom of speech. If another country had a better definition, I would urge ATA to adopt it.
  7. No support
    It's their game, their rules. Dont like it, dont play. Simple as that.
  8. That is why it is a petition proposing something, just like everyone else is making a silly petition.

    It is, of course, their right to make policies for this game as they see fit. This is simply to show support for an alternative policy.
  9. I mean the thing is, what you believe is the best may not be what others do. Their rules keep people from being harassed in public channels.
  10. Once again, this is a proposal. If you disagree with me, you are free to do so. I support people’s right to disagree... and be wrong.

    The game would probably be more fun if those rules were loosened up a bit.
  11. I am genuinely grateful that some people are expressing their disapproval of my proposal. That’s what the freedom of speech is all about- disagreement... and fun.
  12. most of the words censored are obscene or inappropriate tho, so it's doing more good than harm. also, aren't there are speeches that aren't protected by the first amendment? no support. ?
  13. Is this because the inappropriate language thread? Expand thy vocabulary and you won’t feel so limited on speech options
  14. The types of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment are very limited, and in the last few decades the Supreme Court has consistently expanded the scope of what is protected speech. For example, the “fighting words” doctrine has been narrowed considerably since the decision that established it.
  15. No. I do not enjoy using foul language. I’m more concerned with locking threads, stifling debate, and just the general ideological tone of ATA on speech.
  16. So Adôlf is inappropriate but osama bin laden isnt?
  17. Good point. ️
  18. Most. They're not even obscene words, just really horrible figures. ATA's filter needs improvement? Sure. Has nothing to do with this first amendment thing since mentioning them doesn't really violate anything irl or idk ?
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