Petition to open multiple boxes at once

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SinnamonRoll, Jul 30, 2024.

  1. I would love if PIMD would implement a system where we can open multiple boxes at once! Like a x5, x20, x50, x100, so on and so forth.

    Anyone else down with the idea?
    ProfessorMoreau, KaiDXT and Peejay_ like this.
  2. This has been posted 3685894368484794878ry times.

    Ata have already been testing ideas. Be patient. Shit takes more then 2 seconds to happen sometimes
    ProfessorMoreau and KaiDXT like this.
  3. Don't need to be rude 😚
    KaiDXT likes this.
  4. Source? And how was OP meant to know that?
    On the contrary, they haven't been doing anything, haven't been trying, and it would take 2 seconds for them to implement this if they wanted to.

    This wouldn't be a mega-project.
    KaiDXT and YujiroHanma like this.
  5. The Gold, Silver, Bronze Speed-up exchange boxes. You know, where you exchange a number of your Speed-up boxes for either Gold, Silver, and/or Bronze? Yeah, them.
    KaiDXT and Kefo like this.
  6. Atas posts. The testing stuff they have already released twice.

    And with how active op is they should of known. I dont even get 1/5th of the hunt drops they been getting. So with how much they are on here theres no reason why they wouldnt of seen any of the notifications or posts or popups or people talking about it un pub ect
    KaiDXT likes this.
  7. oh yeah, I forgot about those. Really don't know why they aren't permanently in store.
    KaiDXT likes this.
  8. Generally as an idea, I’m very against this.

    My biggest issue is with hunt boxes during the actual event.

    I’d hate to see someone be able to buy their way into higher tiers even easier with just opening like 10-50 boxes in a minute.

    But for general boxes where they wouldn’t impact the current event, like furniture or old hunt boxes I wouldn’t necessarily mind.
    Croatia, TheSagittarian and KaiDXT like this.
  9. My main thing is just speed up reward boxes, and lite shard boxes. I have accumulated so many speed up boxes 😂
    Salthira likes this.