Petition for room to save and remove all (room furnis)

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by imhyekyo, Jul 6, 2022.

  1. Hi co players I just wanna petition bout dorms about room furnis prolly mostly of you like change room furnis all the time and I'm one of them i love chaging room themes and it depends on my mood or hunts but please ata make my petition come true😌🥀
    As some of you im lazy to change my room furnis each one
    im kinda tired of it ngl but i do luv changing room themes . Save like 3~5 rooms so we can easily change our room furnis everytime
    Im not good bout posting in forums but please i need y'all supports 🥀🥀
    Thanks all 🥀🥀
  2. support
    Lite likes this.
  3. I can understand it but i vote no. People are becoming way to lazy now days. Needa fight against it to try stop it. If you to lazy to tap your finger a few times then theres something very wrong with you and you need help to fix your mind set to a better place
  4. Support. Since furniture are such a huge part of the game now it could use some quality of life updates.
    Lite likes this.
  5. ATA should have saved preset rooms available. Tru votes yes twice
    Lite likes this.
  6. Support

    And I’d like a search option when you change your room. I often know the names of the items but I can’t remember what they look like so typing in the name and then equipping it would definitely help me out. But I don’t think it’s even possible to make this happen lol
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  7. For atm at least you can search it in your showcase. Just scroll full across
  8. I know but it’s not handy to do that when you are changing your dorm, going back and forth and by the time I’m back in the room changing things I forgot what it looked like.
  9. Double down on the support!!! Just cause you want CONVENIENCE doesn't mean it's lazy lmao r ppl lazy for going to convenient store instead of walmart a game should be convenient for the players more so because the players fund a lot of it beside ATA scrambled the furniture section lately so no not everything is placed with its own set anymore and since they add the room xc it would be nice to have presets or at least have the furniture sets in order again also off topic but speaking of scrambled ATA put the Avis back together in the front of items nobody wants them scattered apart
    MayaTheHopeful and Rosalia like this.
  10. Key words are 'for atm at least'
  11. Full support.
    Having presets would be amazing and so helpful.
    It takes so much time to fully switch out every individual furniture item in your dorm.
    Especially if you have a lot of furniture.

    I.e. switching out a poster and you have tons of posters since they’re so common. you gotta scroll a ton to find the one you want.