Petition for boxes!

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Eric, Feb 22, 2021.


Should ATA change this?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. +1 this if you think ATA should allow us to chose which avatar we want from new upcoming boxes.

    this should include avatar boxes, paid boxes, lite boxes, and timer boxes.
    (Exclude BF Bags)

    it is really annoying when you start to open boxes from a hunt and want an avatar, but get the opposite one you want, right? I feel like people will be more compelled to opening boxes if ATA allowed them to chose the avatar they want if they happen to win an avatar reward.
    I don’t see how it would hurt the game whatsoever, but enlighten me if you think it will.
    Heewon likes this.
  2. Boooomp
  3. No the whole point is for it to be random. Ata would lose a fuck ton of money if people could just pick and choose what they wanted
  4. They really wouldn’t lose much. Most people don’t spend money to get the one or both two base m and f avis with each hunt. I have the luxury of being able to always get them at my size, but most people literally can’t spend money nor can they reach the goals to receive both avis.

    Giving the option of “open f” and “open m” with each box so you receive one version first (the one you want) could actually promote more playing. If I were smaller, I’d quit pretty quick if I could only get one avi and have the chance of it being one I 100% do not want. I’d be more likely to play more and even spend money if I had the opportunity to always be guaranteed what I want. That’s just my two cents tho.