Pet peeves?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Basically what you EXTREMELY dislike in PIMD or in real life.

    My pet peeves would be:
    1. People who ask for roleplay (May declare self-war)
    2. People who DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SPELL!
    3. And people who steal my food. Especially when it comes to my cookies. -.- xD

    First post
  2. I'm first and pet peeves are
    1) when ppl sing the song I'm singing at that exact moment
    2) when ppl take credit for things I do
    3) and chopsticks, I hate chopsticks, I don't know how to use em
  3. Pet peeves... I will do some of real life people. When someone acts smarter than everyone like a know it all and we have to go along with their fake intelligence because they will have a tantrum otherwise. Also those who are always right even when they are wrong.
  4. Pet Peeve: When you go to a super fancy restaurant and some you bring along a friend.. And the order a stupid Caesar salad... An it's all they get..
  5. When I'm checking out at the grocery store, and the clerk says, "Will that be all?"
  6. Bumpity bump
  7. My pet peeves
    1. When people THINK they're all that
    2. When people don't spell right
    3. When people chew with their mouth open 
  8. People not knowing the difference between:

    1. Your and you're
    2. To, too, and two
    3. There, their, and they're

  9. Pet peeve in Pimd: people being mean
    Pet peeve in rl: people who lie
  10. When people cannot tell the difference between needs amd wants.
  11. I need a diamond encrusted toilet seat.
  12. Pet peeve on here : when ppl cry about being farmed 
  13. 1.) When people are having a religious argument.
    2.) People that bug the hell out of me.
    3.) People who lie
    4.) Rule breakers
    5.) gum that has its taste for 5 minutes
  14. 1.) Show off, jerky jerk face guys 

    2.) Being told I'm wrong when I know I'm right 

    3.) when I say something, people go ""
  15. When females throw their purses on me to hold without first asking, " hey can you hold my purse for a second?"
  16. People and what they do in general
  17. When i send a long text pouring out my feelings and i get " oh" or "k"

    Also when i get hung up on

    Also when people tap their foot or pencil to no particular beat.

    When people comment rudely when i wasn't talking to nor about them

    When people correct me, grammar wise

    When black people claim to be racist(it's not even possible:fact)

    And when people use the wrong there they're their or to too or by bye seriously

    Also when a female knows i like someone and flirt anyway

    Oh oh oh! And lazy ass people that complain about how they're such failures at life but do nothing to change it!......cry me a freaking river
  18. I agree when people can't put the difference between their ,they're ,and their ,or it's and its like really simple stuff right here and another example is hear and here 
  19. There , their, and they're *