Basically what you EXTREMELY dislike in PIMD or in real life. My pet peeves would be: 1. People who ask for roleplay (May declare self-war) 2. People who DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SPELL! 3. And people who steal my food. Especially when it comes to my cookies. -.- xD First post
I'm first and pet peeves are 1) when ppl sing the song I'm singing at that exact moment 2) when ppl take credit for things I do 3) and chopsticks, I hate chopsticks, I don't know how to use em
Pet peeves... I will do some of real life people. When someone acts smarter than everyone like a know it all and we have to go along with their fake intelligence because they will have a tantrum otherwise. Also those who are always right even when they are wrong.
Pet Peeve: When you go to a super fancy restaurant and some you bring along a friend.. And the order a stupid Caesar salad... An it's all they get.. YOU COULD GET THE SAME THING AT WALLMART FOR 5 BUCKS! WHY SPEND $13 ON THE SAME EXACT ...
When I'm checking out at the grocery store, and the clerk says, "Will that be all?" "No! I WANT THE REST OF ALL THIS INVISIBLE SHIT!" —
My pet peeves 1. When people THINK they're all that 2. When people don't spell right 3. When people chew with their mouth open
People not knowing the difference between: 1. Your and you're 2. To, too, and two 3. There, their, and they're and
1.) When people are having a religious argument. 2.) People that bug the hell out of me. 3.) People who lie 4.) Rule breakers 5.) gum that has its taste for 5 minutes
1.) Show off, jerky jerk face guys 2.) Being told I'm wrong when I know I'm right 3.) when I say something, people go ""
When females throw their purses on me to hold without first asking, " hey can you hold my purse for a second?"
When i send a long text pouring out my feelings and i get " oh" or "k" Also when i get hung up on Also when people tap their foot or pencil to no particular beat. When people comment rudely when i wasn't talking to nor about them When people correct me, grammar wise When black people claim to be racist(it's not even possible:fact) And when people use the wrong there they're their or to too or by bye seriously Also when a female knows i like someone and flirt anyway Oh oh oh! And lazy ass people that complain about how they're such failures at life but do nothing to change it!......cry me a freaking river
I agree when people can't put the difference between their ,they're ,and their ,or it's and its like really simple stuff right here and another example is hear and here