Are there anywhere to appeal a perm ban? This game has a lot of RP elements in it and I got banned for impersonating something in the chat, that wasn't sexual in any way, but others were having fun impersonating other characters as well. We were just having fun, where a girl acted as a mother and all I said wss, that I was leaving home and living by my own, because I was 16 and grown enough to take care of myself. I could understand if there were some sexual content or something, but there wasn't and now my account is basically useless. This is really over the top. Even a mod (Sir) was in on it in the chat and played along.
Found the way to make a ticket ingame. Hopefully they'll be reasonable, because otherwise this game again shows, how double standards are being held in check.
This is a 17+ game. As kefo said, anyone claiming to be under 17 or soliciting players under the age of 17 will be banned. The only way to appeal is through a help ticket, forums is not the place for this. Locking