Perfect Drift Back???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *IIILinkIII (01), Oct 20, 2015.

  1. This is just a apk or is it?...Trolling Allowed :D
  2. Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!!
  3. This never release on IOS I think?
  4. Because the game sucked so much ass 
  6. I remember this.. It crashed so much it wasn't even playable
  7. LOL, I heard pimd ECs to the players after they shut it down
  8. No its officially shut down
  9. I never got to play it since I'm on apple. ):
  10. It was fun while it lasted but the crashes Jesus Christ
  11. People who bought stuff in the game had their stuff transfered to pimd or kaw. All the in game purchases.
  12. i didnt try it but i was sure it sucks
  13. Perfect Drift Only lasted 1 week :lol:
  14. It was fun while it lasted but the crashes were a bit too much..
  15. The Devs Should bring it back and just fix it.
  16. Not really it lasted maybe 1 month cause I was on the lb there, got to like level 20 on there