People to look out for

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by King_Leo27, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. 1.RayBans

    Add names to keep people safe
  2. 2. Carmen Sandiego
    3. Hashslingingslasher
    4. The real dirty dan
    5. Jehova Witnesses
  3. 6. Deez nuts
  4. 69-SugarDaddy Reason-Fairly bad "farmer"
  5. Y’all should add a brief explanation under each name ? I want that tea & I want it hot ☕️
  6. 96. Bryce1234takenbykat

  7. Wow
  8. Wow

  10. ^ this girl
  11. That girls nose  iss missin
  12. Stinks
  13. Y’all hear sumn? Cause I don’t
  14. You listed two people with fairy stats.....
  15. lustforlifekeepsusalive
  17. :|
    inb4 lock