people that are perm silence

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Stunner, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Post here ⇩
  2. maybe i can help
  3. Help with what you carnt do anything to get them un-silenced
  4. > ⌒> what would be the point of doing so? So you can all whine about how y'all are "innocent" together? :roll: smh
  5. I got perm silenced 3times :-D but look im still chatting
  6. Yeah.. that's something to brag and smile about.. ??
  7. You jealous ? lol
    I just wanna help people
  8. Ive been permed 4 times. #GetOnMyLevel
  9. Cool story bro
  10. Jealous about breaking rules that are based on common sense; therefore, meaning you LACK common sense? Nope, not even close :lol: :roll: That would have been a decent reply if it pertained to what was being said.
  11. Yeah im listeningng.
  12. Yes, :roll: yes you are @_⌒ good boy :lol: 
  13. hmm i think this thred shoudnt b here its nothing to b proud off being perm silenced n saying i can help u what u think u no the system hmm its simple if anyone feels there silenced is wrong and wish to apeal u e-mail they decide how long and if ur silenced fair
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Exactly ? :ugeek:
  15. Ok ill tell u guys the secret , just reset :p
  16. Lol nobody not goin to reset their phones like u do every time dey get perm
  17. And btw dat not a secret