Oh noes T__T I have phobia of pedobear. It could be: Dora Barney Winnie The Pooh A retarded leprechaun or J-J-J-Justin Boobie.. I mean Bieber Why? Because its a pedo!!!! But if the pedobear was dead... it could be: Bin Laden A Pig Le Petomane Justin Bieber's Granny Who's Le Petomane? The french guy who farts to talk. p__p So who is te pedobear?
XDDDD At social studies class me and my classmates were like, You and me! ABC! Let's go outside and Kill Barney! Use a shotgun and a ri-i-fle! BARNEY THE DEAD ASS COW. ROFLMFAO. And out substitute teacher was like, "wtf?"