
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Oct 4, 2011.

  1. How do you get payback? On who? What'd they do?

    I need help on revenge. My friend Sarah video taped me dancing at a sleepover. I was wearing a bra and short shorts. It's all over facebook.
  2. Destroy Facebook and kidnap mark zuckerburg
  3. Paintball gun. Nuff said
  4. As amazing as that is... no
  5. That was to serial. Other person I like your thinkin
  6. i have no idea all i can say is do ur parents know?sorry lol
  7. Do it again in your room, photoshop face 
  8. Lol that a good idea now serial lol
  9. Hmmm... I am gonna need black paint
  10. No just make it completly obvious its shopped then its funny
  11. No. I need public embarrassment.
  12. Stalk her till she messes up then put it on the jumbotron in times square in new york and tir her to a truck for a day
  13. Tie not tir lol

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> rawr
  14. Dude I live in north carolina. Something realistic. Her boyfriend has convinced everyone I'm a rapist!
  15. I would tell her off!!!
  16.  wow thats bad lol

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> rawr
  17. I did. Lmao it was epic then I was told I live in a sack and that's why my desk was put up for adoption
  18. 
  19. It was sorta weird. Like every day
  20.  lmao

    Cyborg! <(=_•)> rawr