Last day for the party promos and bonus cash! July 12th, 2013 Cabana Cool AND Cabana Cool (PRO) will drop 2x Cash until July 13th, 7pm GMT (2x the amount of cash) We hope you enjoyed these promos! Check back soon for the next one!
Last day for the week? Or last day for the whole thing? Please tell me it's only last day for the week and it's back next week
According to their first post it's weekdays for the summer. Hopefully they don't go back on their word.
To the Devs, I hope you will continue to give 2x cash every weekdays just like what you first mentioned in your first party promo post on July 8, 2013. It'll be awesome if you all continue this just like in KAW. More people would be encouraged to play this more often if you will just give 2x cash again. Thank you! <3 More powers Devs!