Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Jul 11, 2013.

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  1. Every day this week we will be boosting rewards to different Parties.

    July 11th, 2013

    Dumpster Dive AND Dumpster Dive (PRO) will drop 2x Cash until July 12th, 8pm GMT (2x the amount of cash)

    Check back later to see which Party will be rewarding bonus rewards next.
  2. Club best 1:21 on PRO?
  3. :O 1:21 
  4. Wow the club best is imaginary
  5. doing exactly the same on kaw at this time aswell with x2 gold ebs damn ata must really be running low on money.
  6. cash
  7. I'm not wasting my notes on double pro hipster, only using notes if its an art skool pro, or a VIP pass pro with good money bars -.-
  8. hopefully they do more vip pass pro 2x cash
  9.  it's the Dev the hit party once and win
  10. Fuck I missed it
  11. I was so happy for a sec
  12. ★ 
    Don't bump
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