Operation Expose The Pedo.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player11171305, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Pedophiles on PimD.

    Recently I was approached by a pedophile. Now this wasn't just a random-follow-campus perv, it was a good friend of mine. We'd known each other for a while now. (Roughly 7 months.) He messaged me every morning, we talked daily and we had become really close friends. :D  he was like my older brother actually.

    He reset last night. "Why did he reset? :0" you might be asking.  Well my compadre he reset because he'd been caught. "Caught doing what?" You may be asking yourself. Caught trying to lift little girls online! 

    Let me tell you the story. 

    3 days ago we were talking like we usually do, but suddenly he asked me a question that kinda creeped me out. "What school do you go to?"  Uh.. I don't give out that kind of information. Is what I responded.  Brushing that aside we talked a while longer. After a good 45 minutes of talking he asked me another strange question. "What city do you live in?"  Why do you ask? Is what I messaged back. "Oh I just wanted to know. Curious."  okay...

    So I quickly told him I had to go and went offline. Well I have a friend in rl (Shocking right?) that plays pimd and I told her the story. So we came up with a plan.  Operation Expose The Pedo." ? If.. He's even a pedo.

    The next day I checked my pimd, a message from him, as usual. Today I decided to ignore him.  Meanwhile, my friend had just messaged him. After a few minutes he told her his name was Ben and she introduced herself as Alyssa. (That's not her real name.) and told him she was 12. (She isn't really 12 either.) well he told her he was 13. .... Funny. He told me he was a year older than me also. 

    Well they talked and talked and finally he asked the golden question! "Do you like older men?"  What.. Like she's 12. You don't ask a 12 year old that.. Ever.  So then she simply responded "What do you mean?" (Trying to get him to elaborate while still sounding like an adolescent.) "Are you a virgin..?" Is what he responded. ? GROSS. That's sick! "Yes, why?" Is what she messaged back. "Because I want to be your first." Is his gross response.

    That was it I couldn't take it anymore. I had my friend send me the ss of the convo and one by one I sent them to "Ben." I knew he saw them because the little "d" turned to "r" then.. He blocked me. I went to check pimd and he had reset and I waited to see if he'd make a new account and he didn't. So, to this day, I don't know who he really is.

    That's the story.

    I didn't write this whole thing to tell you a story, it has a message.

    Just because you think you know someone, doesn't mean you do. The normal, everyday guy you talk to could be a wanted man in Mexico for raping a child. I know most people know this, but some people don't or they don't realize that ANYONE could be a fake here on this game. Not just men either, there are female pedophiles! And they are everywhere.

     I hope this thread opens up your eyes to the world around you.
  2. Those questions seems to me more like from his girlfriend, finding out about your conversations by getting her hands over his phone finally once when unlocked and trying to find out if it is just online friendship or something bit more. Thats why the questions: what school are u at? or where do u live?

    And then reset as promise that this affair is over from him.

    js ....
  3. I have no clue what you're talking about.  Lolwut?
  4. I highly doubt that him resetting right after I send him screenshots of him talking to a "12 year old girl" had anything to do with his rl gf.
  5. Wow.. i never trusted anyone on here really.. cept for a few well known friends
  6. Well l the rest of it and .... Im quiet
    Sorry 4 double post
  7. And that reminds me of the docudrama tv show catfish  js
  8.  I love catfish. I made a catfish thread a while ago.
  9. ?Are you saying that the lovely girl who wrote this thread and who I had video called could be a pedo? Jk lol....

    In all seriousness..... NICE THREAD. Great eye opener
  10. ? Meggy! Don't tell everyone my secret.  Jk.  That'd be ironic though.
  11.  is it wrong that I laughed?
  12. Ew. Thanks for making this thread though. Some people need to be told this.
  13. ?I know!
  14.  No.  This is kinda funny I guess.
  15. Wow, that is insanely creepy. ?
  16. Heey little boy/girls see this van? ?
    It has candy in it.... TO bad candy rots your teeth So  away as fast as your legs can
  17. Ehh. SS or it didn't happen.