Opening Timer/Pet Boxes

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Detention, Sep 7, 2021.


Would you like this to be implemented?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I don’t care

  1. So I sent a help ticket in about this and was told to make a post in forums to see if other players would like my idea and would like to see the change implemented. When the timer and pet boxes were first introduced, we were able to open two at a time. I was wondering if were possible to revert back to this to make it a tiny bit quicker? I can’t speak for all players, but all of my boxes are just sitting there and they pile up way faster than I can open them and I can't do anything else with them. Please, if you’d like to see this changed as well, share your thoughts below.
  2. I totally forgot about how it was before lol. I personally would like to have more than one slot to open boxes.

    However, part of the reason we have one slot is to encourage players to use speed ups (which can be purchased in the shop or drops from timer boxes that comes from achieving hunt, ex activities tasks) So I don’t know how much ATA is willing to let go of this.

    On that note, I could see we could open up more slots with ecs or smth like that. This would be entirely possible
    Iriesa, Muschi and Detention like this.
  3. This has been talked about a few times. I dont see it happening without a benifit to ata. Could be that can have up to 5 slots to open capsules and 5 to open boxes. But the slots cost ec to open and get more expensive the more you want to open. Thats the only way i can see ata adding it as a thing
    Detention, Iriesa, S0ck and 1 other person like this.
  4. If you are interested to open all yo boxes use speedup or you can skip a hunt and open all yo boxes by that time
  5. I'd like it to be implemented, but to give incentive to ATA, I think the second box opening slot should be available as part of the VIP subscription. :)
    Detention and Leigh like this.
  6. I would love for them to bring back being able to open two boxes, I do agree with what Muschi said though about maybe putting it as a part of vip, it gives people even more reason to buy it then
    Detention, Muschi and Amira_Aldine like this.