Open Merc 48hr War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlXlIJ0P0IlXlI, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Come join 

    Preferrably our side to even it out.....
    We have 11 people and oppo has 69.

    Come war like the old school days 

    Fuck parties!
  2. its only cause most wants to smack Caribu around
  3. Holy one-sided war, Batman! ?
  4. Lol outstanding
  5. ?We will still win
  6. We may lose, but we'll fucking put up a fight!!
  7. It's 11 v 70 with like 7 bc's in opp......

    So it's an even fight ?
  8. I can help.
    Just ask me whenever
  9. Now would be great. 
  10. We can send a few people over. I thought Raven and a few others would end up on your side. I also thought smexy princess would be over there cause last night she said she was war mercs with Raven o.o i woke up this morning and she was over here.
  11. Come on guys o.o join the phoenix clan to even it out. Don't let my caribou die.
  12. Caribou ftw stacked up in pots
  13. C'mon people! War with us!!
  14. Jopo invite your hubby