Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SweetNSpicyPenguin, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. So I saw someone post this in pub can't remember who but like... ATA we need an open all button for boxes like the light box the speed up boxes etc.. like I don't have the mind set focus to open a thousand of these speed up boxes. Please add it we'd appreciate it!
    Watermelonpunch likes this.
  2. Im not against this as long as its a option not a forced thing. I like to keep 1 for showcase.

    If it was to happen it would only be for speed up boxes tho id say. Would cause constant server crashes if was with lite boxes and ec boxes coz of everyone trying to do it at the same time near the end of collectathon ect
    Watermelonpunch likes this.