Once Upon a Time

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Once upon a time I got a very nice 999ec from a buddy box. I offered it in wc and a magestical woman offered me 60 bentos for it. Ecstatic, I wanted to verify that was a good price since idk things so I went to the wall of sir knight le Kef who has a reputation for pricing things. Whether or not he prices them correctly is tbd but regardless. Sir knight le Kef told me not to trade with her so I heeded his words. He told me my furniture was rare and worth at least 100 bentos! Naive little Wednesday believed him and rejected the 60 bento girl and I have since found out that was the highest offer i would ever get on it with ppl only wanting to pay 20-40 and i am now stuck with this furni that i can't bear to sell for less than 60 even tho no one will pay that anymore. I am salt, ty for listening to my sad tale.
  2. #bankefo2k19 :(
  3. I weep
  4. I am still salt
  5. sprinkle that salt onto kefo
  6. Ask the leaderboard guys tho they might recycle it
  7. Leaderboard ppl are stuck up i dun like talking to them
  8. Will do.
  9. Co z relaxation station
  10. Man I wish I had 60b rn
  11. I will save it for you Maddi. No one else wants it anyway :'c
  12. Are you an alt
  13. ???? No? Why? I mean I have an alt but I haven’t touched in months
  14. Oof I wish I could help. But I'd recycle it. Yuri gonna slap me if she finds out...
  15. Imma beat you up
  16. I sold my coz station for 70b right before the demand for them hit the fan ?
  17. ……well ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Rood donut brag to me