Old School vs New School

Discussion in 'Wars' started by M4GN1F1C3NT_BANDZ, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. I don't know if this thread has been made. But yeah this is a poorly made thread suggesting an old school vs new school war. Old being 2010- Early 2012 vs new school Late 2012-2014. Somebody revamp this thread for me . Started 2011 here !
  2. Huge issue... The New School dont like war or attacking... Us old schoolers are down with attacking
  3. It's some new players beyond 2012 that's good at wars and farming
  4. Supppppppppport

    Let's do it for my birthday! I'll help you bff!<3
  5.  wait wait wait am I actually considered old school now?

    I'm a noob though ??
  6. A bunch of people might lie about their PimD age so you would have to check that on the computer. Otherwise, it might be interesting.
  7. Same cherry. These guidelines are interesting.
  8. Well I'm not well organized. Anyone can recreate this thread at any point . I'm just giving a suggestion
  9. I'll create when I get home, follow me if you would like to organize one
  10. Brahim I'm new school and I'd be keen for this war..lol
  11. I'm a new schooler. But I'm too young to war.
  12. Dang it  I'm technically new school then ?
  13. Me too... Not all new a unwar lovers, just about half dont want to war
  14. This isn't my first account though :/ Somebody vouch for me I don't wanna be a noob again!
  15. I know Jules. I know 
  16. And you're never to new to war you can always be taught